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©2011-2022 Monkey Conveyancing Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
Buying a house can be a scary prospect, particularly if you are a first-home-buyer.
Our goal at Monkey Conveyancing is to ensure that the terms of your contract run smoothly so that settlement happens on time and with as little stress as possible.
Monkey Conveyancing offers our clients free contract reviews for standard property contracts.* This service is available for buyers as well as sellers and ideally, we would review the contract before you sign it. We will be looking at your contract for things like critical dates (building & pest, finance, settlement date) as well as special conditions, the existence of easements and any other issues that we would need to bring to your attention.
The cost to review an off-the-plan contract is $220. The review fee is payable in advance. If you are unsure what type of contract you have, we can advise you once you email it to us. Off-the-plan contracts are most typically a house and land package style contract where the land has not been registered with Titles Queensland.
Contracts for review can be sent to Ensure you put "for review" in the subject of the email and also include your phone number and a note about any concerns or questions you have in regards to the contract.
Standard residential contract reviews will be responded to via email within 2 business days. Off-the-plan contract reviews will be responded to within 2-3 business days.
*Your first and second contract reviews are free. Asking us to review a third contract will incur a fee of $110.00.
This is an invaluable service that will give you piece of mind – particularly as a buyer – before handing over your hard-earned money.